
Group highlights

(For a full list of publications and patents see below or go to Google Scholar, orcid)

Face coverings, aerosol dispersion and mitigation of virus transmission risk

How effective are face coverings at preventing the spread of aerosol? Our was cited in the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE) report as evidence of mask protection against SARS-CoV-2. The results from our experimental fluid mechanics tests on face coverings directly influenced policy change on face coverings on public transport, which became mandatory on public transport in England as soon as the SAGE report was published and two weeks later the Scottish government announced the same.

IM Viola, B Peterson, G Pisetta, G Pavar, H Akhtar, F Menoloascina, E Mangano, KE Dunn, R Gabl, A Nila, E Molinari, C Cummins, G Thompson, TYM Lo, FC Denison, P Digard, O Malik, MJG Dunn, CM McDougall, FV Mehendale

IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2, pp. 26-35 (2021)

See also arXiv:2005.10720. News coverage by MSNBC Nightly News

The dispersion of spherical droplets in source–sink flows and their relevance to the COVID-19 pandemic

We present a mathematical model that gives a straightforward explanation of how airborne diseases such as Covid-19 can spread during breathing and clinical procedures, known as aerosol generating procedures. This paper is part of the Special Topic, Flow and the Virus and it was selected as a Feature Article for the issue of Physics of Fluids and has been covered by more than 100 news outlets worldwide. The findings underpinned a Contraflow project funded by CENSIS.

C Cummins, OJ Ajayi, FV Mehendale, R Gabl, IM Viola

Physics of Fluids 32, 083302 (2020)

See also arXiv:2007.05298

A separated vortex ring underlies the flight of the dandelion

Why does nature give its tiniest fliers parachutes that are 90% empty space? The key is in the separated vortex ring, which we report for the first time in this paper.

C Cummins, M Seale, Alice Macente, Daniele Certini, Enrico Mastropaolo, Ignazio Maria Viola, Naomi Nakayama

Nature 562 (2018)

News coverage by New York Times , BBC , Nature Editorial , Nature Physics ,

Why do bubbles in Guinness sink?

Did you ever wonder why you needed to wait 119.56 seconds for your pint of Guinness? You guessed it – it’s due to a vortex!

E Benilov, C Cummins, W Lee

American Journal of Physics 81, 88 (2013)

See also arXiv:1205.5233


Full List of publications

Numerical analysis of wave–structure interaction of regular waves with surface-piercing inclined plates
C Cummins, G Scarlett, C Windt
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy (2021)

Face coverings, aerosol dispersion and mitigation of virus transmission risk
IM Viola, B Peterson, G Pisetta, G Pavar, H Akhtar, F Menoloascina, E Mangano, KE Dunn, R Gabl, A Nila, E Molinari, C Cummins, G Thompson, TYM Lo, FC Denison, P Digard, O Malik, MJG Dunn, CM McDougall, FV Mehendale
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2, pp. 26-35 (2021)

The dispersion of spherical droplets in source–sink flows and their relevance to the COVID-19 pandemic
C Cummins, OJ Ajayi, FV Mehendale, R Gabl, IM Viola
Physics of Fluids 32, 083302 (2020)

Design principles of hair-like structures as biological machines
M Seale, C Cummins, IM Viola, E Mastropaolo, N Nakayama
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15(142) (2018)

A separated vortex ring underlies the flight of the dandelion
C Cummins, M Seale, Alice Macente, Daniele Certini, Enrico Mastropaolo, Ignazio Maria Viola, Naomi Nakayama
Nature 562 (2018)

The effect of permeability on the flow past permeable disks at low Reynolds numbers
C Cummins, E Viola IM, Mastropaolo, N Nakayama
Physics of Fluids 29, 097103 (2017)

Analytical and computational modelling for wave energy systems: the example of oscillating wave surge converters
F Dias, E Renzi, S Gallagher, D Sarkar, Y Wei, T Abadie, C Cummins, A Rafiee
Acta Mechanica Sinica 33, 4 (2017)

A new model of viscous dissipation for an oscillating wave surge converter
C Cummins, F Dias
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 103 (2017)

Experimental validation of numerically generated wave excitation torque on an OWSC
D Crooks, T Whittaker, J van ‘t Hoff, C Cummins
Renewable Energues Offshore (2015)

The stability of a static liquid column pulled out of an infinite pool
E Benilov, C Cummins
Physics of Fluids 25, 112105 (2013)

Thick drops on a slowly oscillating substrate
E Benilov, C Cummins
Physical Review E 88, 023013 (2013)

Why do bubbles in Guinness sink?
E Benilov, C Cummins, W Lee
American Journal of Physics 81, 88 (2013)